Safety is important to us
Safety is an integral part of EPI’s philosophy and work day. We believe that safety is best achieved using a proactive approach which begins with training. At EPI, safety is taken very seriously. We work in conjunction with all of our clients and equipment manufacturers to achieve the highest goals possible each day while virtually eliminating any possibility of danger. EPI, having an Experience Modification Rating below 1.0 (letter furnished upon request) is consistently chosen for projects with regard to the safety culture in the field and in the office.
40-hour O.S.H.A. and 8-hour refresher training/certifications for each employee are kept on file. Annual medical monitoring and drug screening programs are kept on file and available upon request. EPI also keeps service records for all its rigs, trucks and mechanical support equipment, this is done in regards to mitigating breakdowns in the field.

Being in the business of providing environmental drilling, sampling and other related geotechnical contracting services on hazardous waste sites, EPI is required to prepare and implement a unilateral health and safety plan in accordance with 1910.120, “Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response” as contained in the Occupational Health and Safety Standards. When required, a site-specific Health and Safety Program (HASP) will be prepared by EPI or a qualified client representative. In either case, said plan will be fully evaluated by the EPI Health and Safety Officer (HSO) and a copy of this plan will be maintained on site. In order to ensure that its' employees are adequately informed of and protected by those procedures delineated in the site-specific HASP, all project personnel will be required to undergo a safety review on location prior to being permitted to work on site.