EPI has been in business since 1994 under the same management. In those 24 years we have bored hundreds of thousands of holes. We currently operate 8 rigs and perform between 50-100 borings a day. We have had much success avoiding buried utilities, although with such a large volume of borings, naturally any excavator would have some unsuccessful bores. Understanding that the road to success is paved with failures, we evaluated them and determined that geophysics would add a layer of protection.

Because EPI is committed to safe operations, we decided to hit the road in 2018 to reach out to our customers and to demonstrate the benefits of Geophysics . Our VP, Brian Kokot and our Geophysics Manager, Paul McLeod made many stops along the way.
We met with 23 different companies and 265 Project Managers, who all enjoyed a free lunch. We discussed how One Call doesn't mark privately owned utilities like USTs and associated piping, gas and electric lines on the private property, well or city water, sprinklers and septic systems.
It was very interesting to hear how many people didn't know that.
We showed off our state of the art GPR, EM and line tracing equipment and discussed the major benefits of using a competent geophysicist within a drilling company.
Some of the benefits include:
Real-time answers to questions from the field and immediate return to site if necessary.
Ease of scheduling - you can schedule both the geophysics and drilling with one phone call.
No going back and forth with contractors anymore.
Consolidation of events - we can schedule geophysics and drilling on the same day, therefore maximizing field staff utilization.
Ease of billing - two services, one invoice. Accuracy and accountability - we make sure that utilities are not damaged because we know it's ultimately our responsibility.
Have you ever had the he said/she said amongst contractors? Not good!
Intuitive processes because of our drilling experience.
We will be continuing the demonstrations in 2019. So, if this sounds interesting to you, please email Brian Kokot (brian@epi-team.com) and he'll reach back out to you to set it up.