As we celebrate our 25th year in business, we thought it worthwhile to share our thoughts on the past quarter century.

It is hard to believe that it has been twenty-five years. Who would have predicted that little more than an idea and a one-man crew and drill would survive to celebrate its 25th year in business? We were tiny at the beginning. Some would say our survival is a tribute to our hard work. We like to think that our 25 years of success can be attributed to a meticulous commitment to our core values: our commitment to our employees and their families, and our service commitment to you, our customers.
This milestone provides us an opportunity to both reflect on our past and to look forward to our future. As we celebrate, we say “thank you” to all of our customers and co-workers, both past and present.
At the heart of these accomplishments is a great deal of hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take risks to benefit our customers. However, now is not the time to rest. Although we may be tempted to indulge in a self-congratulatory moment on our 25th anniversary, we remain mindful that the world is an ever-changing place, and if anything, we must accelerate, not relax. We must think ahead to what the next 25 years will hold. What will the industry look like in 2044? One wonders what innovative designs and engineering challenges there might be.
In summary, while we have come a long way, our work is not done! Building upon our industry leadership and expertise requires further dedication, commitment to customers, innovation, and execution of top priorities.
Our culture of passion for delivering customer solutions is unique. Despite the many changes we will undoubtedly make, it is this passion, and our relationships with you, our customers, which will remain the foundation for our next 25 years. For this we thank you, and look forward to your continued support.